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The CEREC Technology

Cerec is also known as Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics and Ceramic Reconstruction.

A dental reinstatement procedure permits a dental practitioner to create an ancillary ceramic dental reinstatement by using different computers that are aided with various computer assisted technologies. These technologies could comprise of 3D photography and other features like CAD/CAM.

Unlike other techniques, Cerec requires a single sitting. Thus, patients are saved from multiple appointments that were necessary earlier. This saves their time and lessens their uncertainties.

Moreover, with the aid of the latest software and hardware technologies, the Cerec crowns, veneers, inlays are constructed with the help of various ceramic materials available.

The cavity groundwork is usually first photographed. This is then warehoused in three-sided dimensional digital models and the software are then used in approximating the reinstatement shapes using bio generic contrasts and linking to the nearby teeth.

The dental practitioner then polishes the target model taking advantage of the 3D CAD software.

Once the designing phase is completed, the info is directed to the grinding division which mills genuine reinstatement from the hard block of materials by using the diamond burs material

The reinstatement is then bonded to the patient’s tooth using the material that is resin type cement. It ties both the reinstatement and the tooth together.

The dentist who is responsible for treating the patient prepares the target tooth being reinstated either in the form of a crown, inlays or a veneer.

The targeted tooth is thereby powder sprayed with thin layers of blue anti reflection contrasting media which is imaged by a 3D imaging camera and it is then uploaded on the Cerec computer.

Using the exclusive Cerec software in numerous styles, a reinstatement is planned to reinstate the tooth to its original shape. The data on this reinstatement is kept stage by stage in a file which is sent via wireless sequential transmissions or by direct wirings to the milling machine. The reinstatement can thus be crushed out of hard ceramic composition of block.

The grinding times vary from four minutes to twenty minutes and it is conditional on the complication of the reinstatement and the versions of milling divisions.