When to use E-Max veneers?
E-Max can be a good choice in almost all cases when veneers are needed:
- Esthetics: This is where E-Max really shines. The translucency of E-Max is very similar to your teeth, which gives E-Max veneers a very natural look.
- Misaligned or chipped teeth: E-Max veneers are durable enough to fix smaller misalignments and chips. However, significant misalignments might need orthodontic treatment first, and larger chips might require a crown.
- Discolored, stained teeth: E-Max is resistant to staining. If you have heavily discolored or stained teeth, that cannot be handled by a hygiene treatment or teeth whitening, E-Max veneers could mask the problems.
Advantages of E-Max veneers
Besides looking great, there are several other advantages of E-Max veneers:
- Durability: They are very durable, chipping is unlikely. This durability makes it possible to manufacture ultra-thin (only 0.3mm) veneers.
- No or minimal tooth preparation: Thanks to its durability, your tooth might need very little or no preparation at all when fitting E-Max veneers. The more natural tooth tissue left, the better.
- Single sitting: E-Max veneers can be manufactured in the dental office if the dentist has the appropriate CAD / CAM device. This means you can have your new veneers within a few hours, no need to wait for the lab, no temporary veneers.
When not to use E-Max veneers?
Even though there are many pros of E-Max veneers, there are a few cons, when they shouldn't be used.
- Bruxism: If you are grinding your teeth, a veneer might not be a good fit for you, as it is more likely to fracture or debond. If you are a night grinder, a mouthguard might help.
- Inappropriate eating habits: Chewing hard foods - like ice, carrots, or nuts - makes E-Max veneers more likely to crack.
- Heavily misaligned teeth: In this case on orthodontic treatment is recommended before the veneers.
- Darker natural teeth: If your natural teeth have a bit darker shade, E-Max veneers might look too white. In such cases zirconia might be a good alternative.
- Gum disease: Periodontal disease must be dealt with before fitting veneers, as it might negatively affect the outcome of the treatment and the lifespan of the veneers.
This short video shows how an E-Max veneer is manufactured in a dental lab. Duration: 1:32
How long do E-Max veneers last?
With proper oral hygiene and care, E-Max veneers can last for 15 years or longer.
There are a few things you can do to ensure your veneers last long:
- Oral hygiene: If proper oral hygiene is not maintained, it is more likely that cavities will form behind your veneers. This means your veneers might hurt, fall out, your teeth might not be able to support them.
- Eating habits: Try to stay away from hard foods that might crack your veneer.
- Regular check-ups: Visit your dentist twice a year, so that potential problems can be discovered early.
How much does an E-Max veneers cost?
The usual price range of an E-Max veneer is $600 - $2000.
Depending on your location and the dentist, you might end up paying a bit more, lower prices are less likely, though.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I floss if I have E-Max veneers?
By all means. Flossing will help to keep your veneers clean, reduce plaque buildup, eventually you'll have healthier teeth and cleaner veneers. This will have a positive effect on the lifespan of your veneers.
Can I use whitening toothpaste with E-Max veneers?
It is not recommended to use whitening toothpaste if you have E-Max veneers as it might scratch the surface of the veneer. It is also recommended to use a softer toothbrush.
E-Max is quite stain-resistant, so it shouldn't change its color.
If you see some discoloration, you should check your dentist. Your veneers might need to be polished but it's also possible that you have a cavity behind the veneer.
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Porcelain Veneers
Although not as durable as E-Max, porcelain veneers are also often used to restore your smile.
CEREC Veneers
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Lumineers or no-prep veneers are ultra thin (0.2-0.4 mm) veneers that can be fitted without shaping the teeth. E-Max is durable enough to be used as lumineers.